Help from the Foundation for the Happy Bambini Association


With the Daniel Vetró Stiftung, we support selected projects that often benefit children and young people. The beauty of this is that it is always extraordinarily diverse and carefully selected actions by responsible initiators that we participate in: for example, the work of the Happy Bambini association in Munich.



Help for children: support in education and more


Since its foundation in 2013, Happy Bambini has been supporting people in developing countries who need help, and here in particular young people. The places of action are in Nepal, Mongolia, Honduras, Indonesia and Pakistan. Often it is about support in education, so various schools are provided with equipment for learning or money is collected for urgently needed renovations to the respective building. In addition, those responsible have organised renovation work in an orphanage in Mongolia, for example, as well as new equipment in the form of new games for the playground, furniture, blankets and more. Carefully selected, the association also initiates individual measures - such as equipping shelters of poor families in Pakistan with one of 50 iron stoves each.


Doing good efficiently by supporting smaller projects


Long before the initiators founded the Happy Bambini association, they were already involved in Third World countries. The focus and passion of those responsible for their voluntary work is to support primarily smaller projects: In this way, more can be achieved locally, aid reaches its destination efficiently and support for a better future for children and adults in distant places can be easily tracked or realised.